About Department
The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College, Visakhapatnam was established in the year 2003.The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities is a fundamental academic unit that plays a crucial role in providing a strong foundation for all engineering disciplines. The department is dedicated to offering courses in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, and other humanities-related subjects. Its primary focus is to equip students with essential knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen engineering field.
The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities at Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College imparts essential knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and communication skills, the department equips students with the necessary tools to excel in their engineering journey. The department plays a crucial role in providing a strong academic foundation for aspiring engineers.
The department is equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities to support its academic activities. It includes well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, language labs, and resources for conducting experiments and practical sessions related to physics and chemistry.
Vision & Mission
To become a leading Technical Institute of academic excellence by imparting high pattern discipline through Innovative Programs of global standards which makesthe students technically superior and ethically strong.
- To provide the quality education and to prepare nationally competitive undergraduate Students for a successful carrier in relevant Engineering field.
- To develop the habit of continuous learning, Team Work and fulfill the social needs.
- To enable the students to analyze and apply mathematical and Scientific Techniques in Engineering Technology.
Milestone of the Department
Short term goals:
- Improving the communication & presentation skills
- To encourage the students to participate in community development programs
- To Place teaching/tutorial material of each subject on the internet to enable students to browse at their own place of learning
- To improve passing rate
Long term goals:
- To build the research environment among students and faculty
Development of research projects which are useful for society and industry
HoD of the Department Message
Dr. P. Phanidhar Varma, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Head of the Department, BS&H
Department of Basic Science and Humanities cultivate a foundation for engineering brilliance. Our interdisciplinary approach, commitment to research and emphasis on holistic development empower students for success in both technical expertise and societal impact. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English are the integral part of the BS&H from the time of inception of SVP Engineering College. This Department is dedicated to accomplish the academic excellence in teaching – learning & research with the help of highly qualified faculty members.
About Department
The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College, Visakhapatnam was established in the year 2003.The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities is a fundamental academic unit that plays a crucial role in providing a strong foundation for all engineering disciplines. The department is dedicated to offering courses in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, and other humanities-related subjects. Its primary focus is to equip students with essential knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen engineering field.
The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities at Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College imparts essential knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and communication skills, the department equips students with the necessary tools to excel in their engineering journey. The department plays a crucial role in providing a strong academic foundation for aspiring engineers.
The department is equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities to support its academic activities. It includes well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, language labs, and resources for conducting experiments and practical sessions related to physics and chemistry.
Vision & Mission
To become a leading Technical Institute of academic excellence by imparting high pattern discipline through Innovative Programs of global standards which makesthe students technically superior and ethically strong.
- To provide the quality education and to prepare nationally competitive undergraduate Students for a successful carrier in relevant Engineering field.
- To develop the habit of continuous learning, Team Work and fulfill the social needs.
- To enable the students to analyze and apply mathematical and Scientific Techniques in Engineering Technology.
Milestone of the Department
Short term goals:
- Improving the communication & presentation skills
- To encourage the students to participate in community development programs
- To Place teaching/tutorial material of each subject on the internet to enable students to browse at their own place of learning
- To improve passing rate
Long term goals:
- To build the research environment among students and faculty
Development of research projects which are useful for society and industry
HoD of the Department Message
Dr. P. Phanidhar Varma, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Head of the Department, BS&H
Department of Basic Science and Humanities cultivate a foundation for engineering brilliance. Our interdisciplinary approach, commitment to research and emphasis on holistic development empower students for success in both technical expertise and societal impact. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English are the integral part of the BS&H from the time of inception of SVP Engineering College. This Department is dedicated to accomplish the academic excellence in teaching – learning & research with the help of highly qualified faculty members.
Names (s) of the Authors | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal/ Conference | Volume No, Issue No, Year | Indexed in SCI/Scopus/UGC |
Dr.P.Phanidhar Varma | Cadmium substitution effect on structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Ni-Zn nano ferrites | Results in Physics | ISSN:2211-3797,Volume:19,2020 | Elsevier |
Dr.P.Phanidhar Varma | Effect of Cr Substitution on Magnetic Properties of Co-Cu Nano Ferrites | Solid State Technology | ISSN:0038-111X,Volume: 63, Issue: 5,2020 | Scopus |
Dr.P.Phanidhar Varma | Effect of Cr3+ substitution on dc electrical resistivity and magnetic properties of Cu0.7Co0.3Fe2-xCrxO4 ferrite nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel auto combustion method | Results in Physics | ISSN:2211-3797,Volume:24,2021 | Elsevier |
Dr.P.Phanidhar Varma | Influence of Cr3+‑substituted Co0.7Cu0.3Fe2‑xCrxO4 nanoferrite on structural, morphological, dc electrical resistivity and magnetic properties | Applied Physics A | ISSN:0947-8396,Volume 127,Issue:8,2021 | Springer |
Dr.P.Phanidhar Varma | Comparison of the effect of Cr3+ substituted Co–Cuand Cu–Co nano ferrites on structural, magnetic, DCelectrical resistivity, and dielectric properties | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | ISSN:09574522,1573482X,Volume 35,Issue:93,2024 | Springer |
| Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal/ Conference | Volume No, Issue No, Year | Indexed in SCI/Scopus/UGC |
Dr.K. Usha Madhuri | A STUDY OF INVENTORY PROBLEM USING STOCK DEPENDENT DEMAND”. | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | Accepted 07-07-2023 | UGC |
Dr.K. Usha Madhuri | “Study on FM/FM/1queueing system with Pentagon Fuzzy Number using α cuts”. | International Journal of Advance Research Ideas and Innovations in Technology | Vol.2, Issue 4,2017, pp.772-775.(Impact Factor 4.295). | UGC |
Dr.K. Usha Madhuri | Applying the Fuzzy Critical Method to Manufacturing Tugboat. | International Journal of Advance Research Ideas and Innovations in Technology | Vol.2,No.6, 2016, pp.01-12.
| UGC |
Dr.K. Usha Madhuri | Fuzzy risk analysis based on the novel fuzzy ranking with new arithmetic operations of linguistic fuzzy numbers | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 2014,26 (5),2391–2401. | UGC |
K. UshaMadhuri | “Study on FM/FM/1 queueing system with Pentagon Fuzzy number using α cuts” | national seminar on 26th Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences (APSMS-2017) Organized by KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY, WARANGAL, Telangana Andhra Pradesh on 11th to 13th August 2017.
K. UshaMadhuri
| Applications of Generalized Pentagon Fuzzy Number Using Arithmetic Operations” | A.P.Science Congress – 2017 held at Andhra Universtiy on 7th to 9th November ,2017.
K. UshaMadhuri
| “Applying the Fuzzy Critical Path Model to Manufacturing of Mementos, Awards and Medals” in National Seminar on 27th Andhra Pradesh Telangana Society for Mathematical Sciences (APTSMS-2018) | Organized by Maris Stella College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh on 8th to 10thDecember, 2018.
K. UshaMadhuri
| “ FMX/FG/1 Vacation Queuing System with Server Timeout” in International Conference On Mathematical Sciences and Emerging Applications in Technology | Organizing in GITAM UNIVERSTY, Hyderabad on 9th to 11th September 2022.
Names (s) of the Authors | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal/ Conference | Volume No, Issue No, Year | Indexed in SCI/Scopus/UGC |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Fe2O3/RGO Nanocompositephotocatalyst:effectivedegradationof4-Nitrophenol. | Elsevier | Volume 553, 15 January 2019, Pages 190-194. | SCI |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | ZnO/RGO Nano composite via hydrothermal route for photo catalytic degradation of dyes in presence of visible light, Journal of Chemical Studies | Journal of Chemical Studies. | 2018,6(6), 20-26. | UGC |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | SynthesisofBenzimadazole in presence ofNano catalystFe3O3 | AsianJournal of Research inChemistry | 2018, 11(3), 521-523. | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and biochemical applications of Fe2O3/RGO Nano composite | IJCS | 2024; 12(1): 01-07 | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Antimicrobial Activity Studies of Mesoporousmcm-41, Metal Incorporated Mcm-41, And Mcm-41materials With Acid-Functionalization | RASAYAN J.CHEM | Vol. 17 | No. 3 |1118-1122| July – September | 2024 | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | The Synthesis of Copper (Ii) Oxide (Cuo)/ Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Using a Hydrothermal Method For Use In Biologicalapplications | RASAYAN J.CHEM | Vol. 17 | No. 3 |1146-1153| July – September | 2024, 0974-1496. | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | A Greener,one pot synthesis of 1,3-diphenyl-3-(phenyl amino) propane -1-one derivatives | RASAYAN J.CHEM | Accepted, EEC-9689, ISSN 0257-8050 | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Designing and Crafting Nano-Composite Materials based Transparent Electrode for Solar Cells | RASAYAN J.CHEM | Accepted | Scopus |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Creation and characterization of Various Nano composites through the Utilization of the Hydrothermal Method” of published book entitled Nanomaterial’s: Synthesis, Characterization & Applications | AkiNik Publications Book chapter | (Volume – 3) having ISBN 978-93-6135-608-7.Ref. No.: NSCA-03-0501 |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | An in-DepthInvestigation into a Diverse Array of Water Contaminants and a Comprehensive Examinationof the Quality of Water of published book entitled Nanomaterial’s: Synthesis, Characterization& Applications | AkiNik Publications Book chapter | Volume-3)” ISBN 978-93-61356087.Ref:NSCA-03-0401.
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Green Chemistry Approach to Noble Metal Nanoparticle Formation With Waste Biomass | PATENT
| IP&R INDIA, App No: 202341069380, filed on15-10-2023, Published.
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Developing Spectroscopy-Based Techniques for In-Depth Nanomaterial Analysis in Industrial Applications | PATENT
| IP&R INDIA, App No: 202341082257, filed on 03-12-2023, Published.
Dr.RAVI KOTA | Crafting a ZnO/RGO Nano Composite through Hydrothermal Synthesis for Applications in the Realm of Biochemistry | PAPER PUBLICATION
| Communicated. |
Dr.RAVI KOTA | An Analysis of Pb(II) Ion Removal from Aqueous Solutions Employing Various Iron Titanate (FeTiO3) Nanoparticle Compositions | PAPER PUBLICATION
| Communicated. |
Names (s) of the Authors | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal/ Conference | Volume No, Issue No, Year | Indexed in SCI/Scopus/UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Biofilter for the purificationof air contaminated with tryethylamine(TEA)” | international journal of advanced research | Volume2,Issue1,295-302.2014.ISSN: 2320 -5407
| UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Standardization of non-edible pongamiapinnata (karanja) oil methyl esterconversionusingGC-MSanalysis” | ElixirInternationalJournal | Volume86,Issue2015,34894-34897. 2015ISSN:2229-712x
| UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | Influence of Alkali Catalysts on the Production and Quality of Jatropha OilMethyl Ester | International Journal of Innovative Research and Technology | Volume3, Issue6,2504-2514.2015
| UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Processing and Characterization of Cotton Seed Methyl Ester” | AustinJournalofChemicalEngineering | Volume2,Issue2,1-6.2015 | SCOPUS |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Optimization of Jatropha Methyl Ester and Study of its Physico-ChemicalPropertiesusing GC-MS and FT-IR Analysis” | AustinJournalofChemicalEngineering | Volume3, Issue2,1-6.2016
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Transesterification of UsedCooking Oil and Jatropha Oil: Standardizationof Process Parameters and Comparision of Fuel Characteristics” | published in Materials today | 18002-18010.2018
| UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “OptimizationofCastorOilTransesterificationusingCentralCompositeDesign(CCD);ChemicalCompositionofFattyacidscontentusingGasChromatography” | InternationalJournalofadvancedscienceandengineering | Volume5Number 41106-1117.2019 | UGC |
Dr, B.VenuGopal | “Process Optimization for Methyl esterproduction from UsedCooking Oilusing ResponseSurfaceMethodology” | International Journal of NewInnovationsinEngineeringandTechnology | Volume14Issue22319-6319.
| UGC |
Names (s) of the Authors | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal/ Conference | Volume No, Issue No, Year | Indexed in SCI/Scopus/UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Thermal Characteristics of composite polymers by micro filling by Erbiumoxide
| JICR | Volume 12, Issue 6, June, 2020 | UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Prediction of ground water concentrations of Sulphurdioxide by numerical methods & comparison with the observed values. – | IJRAAR | Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018
| UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | CO concentrations at two urban centers in Andhra Pradesh namely Tirupathi and Visakhapatnam. | IJRASET | Volume 5, Issue 12, 2014 | UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Inter annual variations of Indian Ocean warm pool | IJIRR | Volume 5, Issue 11, 2014 | UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Concentration of Convention Pollutants and human health. | IJCMAS | Volume 3, Issue 5, 2014 | UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | A study of inversion and isothermals of air pollution dispersion | JIARM | Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014
| UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | 𝐴 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada cities | IJIRSET | Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014 | UGC |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Magnetic properties of Zr/Ti substituted Mn-Zn ferrities.
| Journal of the Magnetic Society of Japan | Volume 22, Issue 1, 1998 |
Dr. K. SAI LAKSHMI | Effect of Sb/Mo on magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrites.
| Journal of the Magnetic Society of Japan | Volume 22, Issue 1, 1998 | UGC |
List of Teaching Faculty- Freshman Engineering Department | ||||||||
S.No | Photo | Name | Designation | Qualification | Experience | Date of Joining | Nature of Association | Profile |
1 | ![]() |
Dr. P. Phanidhar Varma | HOD, Professor | M.Sc, M.Phil,Ph.D (PhD) | 22 Yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
2 | ![]() |
Dr.K. Sai Lakshmi | Professor | M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Inorganic Chemistry | 29yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
3 | ![]() |
Dr.K. Usha madhuri | Associate professor | M.Sc, Ph.D | 08yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
4 | ![]() |
Dr. B. Venu Gopal | Associate professor | M.Tech, Ph.D | 06yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
5 | ![]() |
Dr. Ravi Kota | Associate professor | M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. Organic Chemistry | 14yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
6 | Mr. A. Nageswara Rao | Assistant professor | M.Sc, M.Phil | 10yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
7 | Mr.R.Jagannadha Rao | Assistant professor | M.Sc, M.Phil | 20yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
8 | ![]() |
Mrs. M. Sudha | Assistant professor | M.Sc, B.Ed Organic Chemistry | 12yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
9 | ![]() |
Mrs. K. Kiranmayi | Assistant professor | M.Sc., Statistics | 16yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
10 | ![]() |
Miss. P. Anusha | Assistant professor | M.Sc., APSET | 05yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
11 | ![]() |
Mrs. R. Madhuri | Assistant professor | M.Sc., B.Ed | 04yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
12 | ![]() |
Mr. T. Suresh | Assistant professor | M.Sc Physics | 02yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
13 | ![]() |
Mr. D. P. V. Ravi Simha | Assistant professor | M.Sc | 7 months | # | Regular | vidwan |
14 | ![]() |
Mrs. Ch. Santhi | Assistant professor | B.A, M.A, B.Ed., | 06yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
15 | ![]() |
Mrs. U. Swati | Assistant professor | M.A, B.Ed., | 03yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
16 | ![]() |
Mr.M. Kaleswar | Assistant professor | M.Sc, B.Ed, Analytical Chemistry | 03yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
17 | ![]() |
Miss. V. Bhanu Prasanna | Assistant professor | M.Sc Mathematics | 02yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
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Mrs. D. Swapna | Assistant professor | M.Phil Mathematics | 08yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
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Mrs. G. Sravanthi | Assistant professor | M.Sc Mathematics | 1 month | # | Regular | vidwan |
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Mr. S. Garata Reddy | Assistant professor | M.A.,English, M. Ed., M.Sc.,Psychology, M.Sc.,Environmental Science, Ap.Set., Psychology, Ap.Set., English Ap.Set., Education, UGC NET Education | 18yrs | # | Regular | vidwan |
21 | ![]() |
N. Raja Rao | Assistant professor | M.Com, M. Ped dip. In. Yoga Dip. In. Nis | 8 Years | # | Regular | ---- |
22 | ![]() |
M. Suresh | Physical Director | B. PED, M.P.E.D, M.Com, NIS. | 10 Years | # | Regular | ---- |
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Smt. K.V.Ratnam | Librarian | M.A (Economic), M.L.I.Sc (APSET), PGDCPA. | 16 Years | # | Regular | ---- |
Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College,
Visakhapatnam (District),
Andhra Pradesh,
Phone Numbers : +919701705890,
E-mail: svpec.bsh@gmail.com